Happy Things

Kapil Gadhire
2 min readApr 28, 2020

“So tell me things that make you happy” As usual he fired a question. “Small things or big ones?”

“Well, tell me both”
“Ummm, in small things — puppies and innocent babies who do not understand anything and who are not aware about things that spoil everything. And in big things… maybe good success will make me happy”
“That’s about it?”
“Haha. Yeah. Maybe that’s why it’s difficult for me to be happy all the time.”
“You? What makes you happy?”
“Expensive gifts! Buy me an expensive watch and I’ll be happy for four months maybe. I’m not a materialistic person; but who doesn’t like getting expensive gifts. I still remember how my friends had gifted me juggling balls and an hour long video my friend had made for me. Such things make me happy and for me these are big things.”
“Ohkay… and small things?”
“There are so many things that make me happy. Fragrance makes me happy — I like good perfumes, fragrance coming out of a fresh new book, the wet mud smell. I like your perfume btw.”
“Oh god. How much you flirt!”
“Haha. Oh no. I’m serious. I like nights. I like empty roads. I like empty roads at night !! I like traveling on empty roads at night. I like sitting in the passenger’s seat and and putting my head on the window and seeing the streetlights pass one after the other. I like the pattern that gets created — light, darkness, light, darkness. I like to make people smile and laugh. Good food makes me happy. People liking my work makes me happy.”
“Wow!! I so feel like recording this conversation! :)You really had thought of all these things before asking me right?”
“Don’t think so I ever got asked this question”
But he definitely had not thought that his answers would make her hold his hand and not leave it till they reached home.
“Good night.”
“Good night.”
Turning around she asked, “Did I forget something?”
“Talking to you makes me happy!”
“Good night” :)
“Good night!” :)

